Marshall County FRN Organizing Community Food Drive
The Marshall County FRN is organizing a community wide food drive, “Hunger Doesn’t Take a Summer Vacation”, to benefit local organizations who provide food assistance to Marshall County residents. Summer is a particularly difficult time for pantries and soup kitchens, as families in need are now responsible for feeding their children three meals a day since school is not in session. This increased community need is exacerbated by the fact that summer tends to be a time period when these organizations experience a lack of donations. As a result, pantries and soup kitchens have a harder time meeting the needs of area residents.
Interested individuals, groups, or organizations are invited to form “donor teams” and collect food items to drop off during the drive being held on July 25. All items collected will be donated to local organizations providing food assistance services in Marshall County. For more information, please see the flyer below or contact the Marshall County FRN at (304)-845-3300.